Thursday, July 31, 2008


My kids have so much fun reading their cousins blogs! They love seeing the pics and reading about what they are doing. While they are reading I always feel so good thinking that they are staying close to cousins even though we live so far away. But after they are done they always ask "Why don't we have a blog Mom?" Well I have run out of answers and the pressure has finally worked. Anway I am excited when I have enough things blogged that I will be able to get it put in book form and we will have our Family History.


Jules said...

Yeah, I am SOOO excited you started finally! I can't wait to read all your posts! I miss you- we HAVE to get together SOON, what are you doing tomorrow?! hee hee. Love, Jules

Taryn said...

a big YEAHHHHH! My goal is a post a day so I have a memory for every day in my book! I wish I had that of my youth!