Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Kids are Grounded from the store-except Allie

We had a fun trip to Walmart today do some school supply shopping. I was trying to price match so I had my ads and all, 2 shopping carts, 5 kids and 1 happy mom. I love back to school shopping. I think that is one of the reasons I wanted to be a teacher. This time of year always makes me want to be a teacher again. Anyway school supply shopping here is way different than at Patterson Elementary. I remember getting to pick out crayons 64 ct with the sharpner, cool notebooks, markers if we wanted. There was no list of things that we had to get. Well down here there are specific lists of about 25-35 items, specific like down to the brand of glue stick, crayons (24 count only), color of spirals, and folders. It can get a little confusing to say the least. They even will let you purchase the whole kit for something like $30, but I think it is so fun to go get your own.Well needless my good intentions did not end well. A 4 year old was upset, but she did get a 64 count crayon box,(she is attending the Biggs HomesschoolPreschool for one more year), the others could only get the 24 count. At the checkout Chase was bored so he started rocking cart # 2 that had Evie and Nielie it. To threaten Chase after several attempts I tell him I am taking him to the store manager, that did not last long. Finally we make it out of the store, and I tell them all they are not going to anymore stores the rest of the summer (except Allie). Jake is upset because we are heading to Dicks next to pick up his cleats, no he is not going in. I will go in and pick them up. Chase cries for quite awhile because I tell him that I will have to take him to the police because maybe he will listen to them. He claims he will do whatever. I remember mom making a threat that scared me the most. She would say "If you kids don't stop they are going to put me in the Pendleton Hospital" That was the nearby mental Hospital. That one always made me feel bad and try better. I only wish I had her mental health, I would be such a better mother if I did.
As we get to Dicks I am feeling like I am the worst Mom, and then I see a minivan with writing on the window that says "Worlds Best MOM". Inside I know that Jake is not going to like the cleats(wrong color) so we head over to Champs, none, Finishline none, We pull into the new Athletes Foot and he runs to see if they have some -YES Just got some today and the right color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blue and White!!!!!!! But they aren't open, they don't open store till tomorrow. They were so nice though and let us buy them anyway. Great People and lots of cleats. Once FB starts is so hard to find cleats and they had some. They are still grounded and we are doing all school shopping online from now on.


Claire said...

You have me laughing out LOUD!!! I need to use the mental hospital one. My husband might agree with me, though. : ) I miss seeing you guys! I'm thrilled to see that you have a blog. I can't wait to see what everyone is up to.

Taryn said...

I too was cracking up! I loved the mental hospital thing...I could totally see your mom saying that ;) If all kids were like Allie life would be sooo sweet and easy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel your pain, my friend! Be comforted in knowing that you are SO not alone. It's okay to love your kids more than anything, but HATE shopping with them!

Emily said...

Trisha you are so great! I always try the store at least once a year, but like you end up doing all the rest online. Why is it that our moms seem to be better than we? so depressing sometimes.

Email me your address so I can add you

Eric and Amy said...

YEAH! I didn't know you had a blog?! I so miss seeing you each Sunday!!

Glad to know I'm not the only one with awful shopping days. And you're wonder woman with your kiddos! I'm so impressed! Have fun staying out of the stores for the rest of the summer :)!

rosie said...

This is so Funny, because so many of us can relate! Going to the store is so hard with kids! I just had to let you know that we had a BBQ at Mom and Dad's with Grandma, Vaughn, Shelley, Launa and Families etc. and they were all talking about this post. Thanks for the laugh! I am glad you have a blog! It was great to see you at the wedding!

Pam And Scott said...

Ok fine! Shayla helped me do a blog!! I fingured if you could do it so could I!


besides it helps to vent every once and awhile