Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Parties

We have been to some fun Christmas Parties this year. One was a White Elephant Party with lots of people, around 40. The best gift was a box with a note in it that said "Check the Front Door". A goat was tied to the front door- a pregnant goat. It was so funny. It didn't stop there in the middle of the circle driveway was a tiolet with a Poinsetta in it.

We went to this one work party down in Dallas that was pretty amazing. It started with the "Save the Date" and then the Invite. We were a couple hours late but I am still glad we went. I had never seen anything like it. It was like a big kid carnival. I had Adam try to take some discreet pics with his phone.

This is dessert tree by the door when you left. There were other dessert tables around though. As you can tell from the guy in the back, it was around 6 ft tall. The trees on the table are actually made of cream puffs. The dinner was great as well with choice of lamb,beef or pork. My favorite was the mashed partinis- mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes served in martini glasses with different toppings. They (ladies dressed up as snow princesses)also kept handing out all this bling, like feather boas, hats, blinking bling rings and necklaces, and glasses. Allie is modeling all of them for us. The girls had so much fun dressing up in them. What is funny is that the adults at the party had fun dressing up in them too.

This is a pic of the invite, the save the date was a just as big, no choclate though.


Pam And Scott said...

Wow Shantae and I had so much fun looking at your pictures. That was some party! I need to hang out with some lawyers around Christmas!!

Taryn said...

wow...that looked sooo fun! Loved the pics! Way to go Adam on getting them. allie looked sooo cute in the feathers.

hayleyharts said...

I can not beleive that party!! wow how fun to be able to go to that..you and adam are just the social lite..party party party! but i do have to say that the prego goat is my favorite..that one takes the cake!

The Egan Family said...

Man, I wish I was invited to that Christmas Party!! You guys must have had so much fun! I know I would!!