Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Bus

This year my kids ride the bus and I LOVE IT. The reason I love it is because I do not have to wake up Evie and Nielie to take them to school. It is really nice because my girls will sleep to at least 8 or later. When the kids leave for school the girls are asleep and 90% of the time Nielie is asleep when they get home. I feel like they so much happier not getting woke up in the morning and afternoon picking up kids. It is nice to be able to focus on the big kids in the morning and get them out the door. They seem to think it is pretty neat too. This is a funny side note, another reason I love this town. One of my friends, who has a kids in college and some that ride the bus with my kids grew up here. She told me the bus driver is the same bus driver she had. It reminded me of Mr. Walker and how he drove Troys kids after driving us all those years. Remember all those mornings he waited for us? What about Sarge, and how Mom thought that really was her name? She really was nice to us though and was such a good lady but she could really scare us. I still remember when she would sometimes ask to use our bathroom, that was so weird but it was an awful long bus ride. It was a good thing that she drove in the afternoon, we would have missed alot of school if she would have been the driver in the morning, she would have never waited like Mr. Walker did.

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