Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Free Market Foundation

I will admit I am a political junkie. I drive my husband crazy because I would much rather watch the news channels than just about anything else. My favorite channels on the radio are am talk radio. I have been depressed the last two days b/c my fav Lara Ingram got taken off the Dallas channel. She was my friend, I have never met her but I felt like I knew her. I have some back ups but she was my favorite. When we moved here a few years ago I signed up for Free Market Foundation newsletter so I could get their voting pamphlet. I would get their emails and hear some about them. They do lots of very important work in and out of the court room preserving conservative Christian values here in Texas. Anyway at Jakes FB game a week ago one of the moms was talking about how her husband was at the RNC and she didn't want to go b/c she has went before but then when Sarah Palin was chosen she really wanted to go. Anyway we started talking about Sarah and how exciting this has all become. She asked me if I knew what her husband did, after telling me I knew why his name was familiar. He is one of the driving forces behind Free Market Foundation(actually the President and general counsel). She invited me to this luncheon. I was really glad I went. I know I need to do my part to stand up for families, marriage between a man and a women, life, and everything else that has made our counntry great. I really appreciate people like the Shackelfords who really give their life fighting for Christian values. I know that I can't do much but I have to admit that Sarah Palin has made me think that I can make a difference. We have to start in our community. I am thankful for Grandpa Hartley watching Nightline and all those other news shows even though I was bored at the time. I remember just wanting to understand what they were talking about. I think some of it rubbed off. I am afraid it is happening to my children as well. Allie loved to debate kids about Romney last Spring. She even wrote a mock newspaper article for TAKS pretesting about Romney getting elected. I think my Aunt June would have been proud of me for attending and if she lived in Dallas would have been there too.


Pam And Scott said...

Wo way to go!! I'm so glad you got to go Tricia!! I bet you had a blast and learned alot!! I'm glad you got the political brains in the family!!(no offence bros and sis's) What do you think of Lindsey Lohans statement about Palin? Lindsey makes me sick!! Where are the morals in todays world!

Jennilyn said...

Glad you got to go tricia.looks like a lot of fun and the food looks great too!

hayleyharts said...

That looks like so much fun! The part about allie crakcs me up...but I too think grandpa hartley's politics have rubbed off on me too..just last night Ezra's said..Hayley can we not watch politics tonight...But yes Sara is an inspiration and how important it is to take a stand and let our voices be heard!