Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mothers Days Activities

Chase's class doing a song on Mothers.

Chase receiving his end of year award with his friend David. They received the Skittles award for adding such variety to the class.

Chase getting ready to say his part in the program. One of his best friends Grace is next to him.

Chase's class put on the best Mother's Day Tea. His teacher Mrs. Dwiggins was wonderful! I spent time in her classroom quite often and was always amazed at her great classroom management. Those kids knew exactly what to do, how to do it and when to do it. She spent so much time preparing them for this program or at least it sure looked like it. They each had to draw a picture of their mother and then we had to guess which one we were. Chase had colored my hair with dark roots and yellow ends, how sorry is that ( I really did need to get my hair done). Chase just loved Mrs. Dwiggins and adored her. He was worried about the last day of school and didn't want to cry but he was sure going to miss her.

These girls were all in Chase's class at school, they also happened to have brothers in Jake's grade and were some of Jake's best friends. One of the girls also had a brother in Allie's grade and happened to be one of Allie's best friends. This is at one of Jake's baseball games. Jake played FB with 2 of the brothers and baseball with one of the other boys. I must say that Evie loved these girls too and they were some of her best friends. We love these families!

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